Tag Archives: Ephox

Team Play-Time

At Ephox we've always had a culture of fun and doing things as a team, it's one of the things that make this a great place to work.

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Client Access Required

I was reading an article by Jean Tabaka on the 11 Ways Agile Adoptions Fail and her number 5 reason "Product Owner is Consistently Unavailable" hit a cord. In it she states

An unavailable product owner perpetuates the wait time and creates waste

Having experienced this in the past, I can't agree more.

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Recruitment Brand

Yesterday I had the opportunity to hear Alan Noble, Engineering Director for Google Australia/New Zealand present on how they are tackling Google's expansion. While there were many interesting facts (for example, Google receives 12 resumes every second) and insights (like Google's approach to products, "Build it and see if people use it"), the one that I found interesting is regarding Branding.

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Another Ephox Blogger

Like many tech companies, we support our employees blogging, so it was great to see that Suneth has joined the growing number of people at Ephox that blog.

Suneth is the constant in our support team. He is forever looking for ways to improve the experience our clients have when they come to support. His formula for support in his first post, "Life in Ephox" illustrates this dedication.

I look forward to seeing where Suneth takes his blog. I'm sure there will be some interesting insights into providing outstanding support. He is definitely an "important fish in the small pond!"

Developers in Support

One thing I've strived to maintain as engineering has grown, is the involvement of engineers in support. Why? Andy hit the nail on the head with his recent post on "All of our developers start in support". In it he said,

You can’t get a good feel for what customers want when you’re sitting behind your IDE listening to product managers. Only on the front lines can you hope to understand what people want to do with your product and how you can make it better.

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